Thursday, March 10, 2016

Hippie Warrior Sister

My heart is racing... So funny, because all I'm doing is starting a new blog.  Weird, but yet, my heart is racing a mile a minute.

I suppose it's because this is the place where I will be spilling my guts for the whole world to see. This is where I will be sharing my journey from the past 2 years and beyond.  This is where I will be remembering things I don't want to remember and visiting places in my past that I don't want to visit.  So, yeah.  It's enough to make my heart race a little.

So with that being said, let me introduce myself:  My name is Jo.  I live in  Southern California and I am a Mormon.  I am a Kundalini Yoga and Meditation practicing, temple-going Mormon;  thus, the name of my blog: "Hippie Warrior Sister."  'Hippie Warrior' referring to my absolute love and devotion to Kundalini Yoga and Meditation and 'Sister' referring to my sisters in my religion,  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)  and to my hippie warrior sisters of the Kundalini Yoga kind (you know who you are) thus, tying my two worlds together.   You will learn more about me, my family and all things 'Jo'  through this blog.  But for starters I will say this about me:  I love life.  I love this life, my life before this life and I'm sure I will love my life after this life.  But mostly I love the life I'm living right now.   I love the ups and downs; the triumphs and failures; the trials and the good times.  I love it all.  It's all good.  It has brought me here to where I am; to who I am; and to you.

My story is not pretty just to warn you.  It is sad and unbelievable, but 100% true.  Oh, and I sometimes use bad words. Be forewarned,  I'm a Mormon who swears.  Yep, it's true.  Can't help it.  I didn't grow up swearing. In fact, I would never have dreamed of saying bad words while growing up not out loud anyway.  But if life has taught me anything it's that it really doesn't matter what you say, it's who you are that matters.  And if a few bad words are going to cause you to judge me as someone different than who I am, then so be it.  Just know I certainly don't mean to offend.  It just is what it is. However, after you get to know me a little more, hopefully you will understand what I mean by that.

To be honest with you I really don't know where to even begin.  I just know that the words will come.  And I know that my story needs to be told.  For whatever reason, it needs to be told.

So as my heart begins to race again I just want to say that my story is for you.  Take what you can out of it.  Just know that I am no one special.  I'm a mormon girl from Utah who grew up just as regular as the next person.  But you need to hear this story.  So, here we gooo.....